Note that abstract submission is closed earlier than that of advance registration (Feb 21th, 2008)
Submissions of abstracts are made via online only. Complete your advance registration before abstract submission. Click “Advance Registration & Abstract Submission” button (either the one in this page or that in the Registration page) and follow explanation in the screens. Advance Registration & Abstract Submission If the submission process is not completed, please click the "Modify, Update, Delete Abstract" button, and login to restart the procedure. Please note that "User ID" and "Password" issued at the time of the registration will be required. Once you have completed the registration, you will be taken to the Abstract submission page (UMIN System.) Please follow the instruction and submit the abstract. for General Submission Requirements:The first/presenting author must be a member of the Japan Neuroscience Society (JNS). Those who are currently applying for a membership choose “applying” and leave it blank in membership number box. Online registration is required for nonmember symposium speakers also. Symposium organizers are expected to notify them of this necessity. Nonmember symposium speakers should select “nonmember symposium speaker” and leave the membership number box blank. A first/presenting author is considered as a presenting author. One may submit only one abstract as first/presenting author including a symposium presentation. Language:Abstracts must be written in English. Presentation of papers at the meetingThe author can indicate preference for either oral or poster presentation at the time of abstract submission. However, the final decision of presentation style is made by the Program Committee, and your understanding and corporation are highly appreciated. Details of presentation styles are available on our website. As a new trial, we may ask some oral presentations to merge into the related symposia. We will consult with the presenters respectively when the program is organized. 1.Oral presentationOral presentation can be made either in English or Japanese, but English is strongly recommended in order to promote the internationalization of the Meeting. In order to avoid multi-language use in the same sessions, choice of language has to be made at abstract submission. The time allocated for general oral presentation is 15 minutes. (It is subject to change depending on the number of presentations.) Only PC projectors are provided. Bring your own PC for presentation. If your PC is not compatible with D-sub 15 pin connecter, please bring your own adaptor. 2.Poster presentationPosters will be made in English, and you may add a summary in Japanese. Poster size will be announced later. 3.Submission proceduresAbstracts are written in English only. Enter the registration system from the page of “call for papers”, advance to the UMIN abstract submission system, and follow the instructions. Please read the following explanation carefully before you submit online. You must enter “Type of presentation,” “Category,” “Authors (within 15 authors including the first/presenting),” “Institution (within 10),” “Contact address,” “E-mail address,” “Title of abstract,” “The abstract body,” “Research funds,” “Language,” “Concerning PRESS RELEASE,” and “About the conflict of interest.” All entries have to be within the designated numbers of characters and names. Any submitted abstracts will not be edited or proof-read before printing. The first/presenting authors are responsible for his/her abstract. Once submission is completed, you will automatically receive an e-mail from the UMIN Center confirming receipt of your submission. If you do not receive this e-mail within 60 minutes after submission, your submission might have failed. Please confirm with the Congress secretariat and resubmit your presentation. Notification of acceptance/rejectionThe Program Committee will make a final decision of acceptance/rejection. A notification of acceptance/rejection and the date, style and location of your presentation, etc., will be sent to you by email in mid March. Please keep your registration number. NotesAbstract Registration Numbers are generated automatically when an abstract is submitted. During the submission period, you may edit your abstract with this registration number and the password that you create at submission. For security purposes, UMIN and Congress Secretariat will not answer any questions related to the registration numbers and passwords. Submitted abstracts will not be edited or proof-read before printing. The first/presenting authors are responsible for his/her abstract. After the submission period, change of abstract and addition and/or change of authors cannot be made. Please make sure all authors are entered. The first/presenting author is responsible for getting agreements from co-authors before submission. The UMIN system is compatible only with the browsers of Internet Explorer 4.0 or above, and Netscape 4.0 or above. Please use either one of these browsers. Data EntriesEnter the name of the first/presenting author, institution, contact number, e-mail address and Membership ID number. Enter names of co-authors, institutions, and institution numbers. Choose “Category.” Use a full block style (not leaving a space at the beginning of the first line) when you fill in “Abstract Body.” The maximum number of characters is 1,300 including the names of authors, institutions, the title and body, institutions and Research funds. After all required fields are filled in, click “Next” so that you can confirm the number of characters you entered. <Creating a new paragraph>
<Entering symbols, Greek Letters and other special characters>
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[Note]If you want to use “<” or “>” in your abstract (e.g. p<0.05), in order to distinguish special character codes “< >” explained above from simple uses of “<” or “>”, please enter the codes of “>” for “ >” and “<” for ”<”. For inquiries about registration and abstract submission:Neuroscience2008 Secretariat List of Categories
A. Excitable Membranes and Synaptic TransmissionB. Cellular NeurobiologyC. Developmental NeurobiologyD. Sensorimotor SystemE. Autonomic and Endocrine RegulationF. Molecular, Neural and Computational Bases of BehaviorG. Disorders of the Nervous SystemH. Methodology and Others |